• Makeup

    How to get started making your own mineral makeup!

    Creating your own mineral makeup is both simple (and so inexpensive) and can also be a bit of trial and error, but if you take good notes, and experiment you can successfully make your own mineral makeup! I learned how to make my own mineral makeup by purchasing “Make It Up: The Essential Guide to DIY Makeup and Skin Care” by Marie Rayma. I also purchased and love Make Your Own Pure Mineral Makeup from Amazon. I found that this set of specialized measuring spoons to be super helpful as well! I only use them for formulating makeup. I highly…

  • Carrier Oils

    Rosehip oil

    Or rosehip seed oil, is extracted from the rose plant. Rosehip seed oil’s benefits are many! Rosehip oil is: The main chemical constituents of Rosehip Carrier Oil are: Linoleic Acid, Linolenic Acid, Oleic Acid, Palmitic Acid, and Stearic Acid. Read more about this amazing carrier oil here>New Directions Aromatics It is often used in creating skincare products as it penetrates the skin quickly without leaving a greasy feel. I love adding it to my face oil. The recommended usage for Rosehip oil is up to 20% of a formulation. Rosehip oil is great for these skin types: It has the…

  • Cleaning Products

    Ingredients to create your own diy safe cleaning products at home

    Creating your own safe cleaning products at home is more simple than you think. I’ve tried many different diy cleaning products (some were not effective at all) and some worked so well, I’ve never looked back at buying cleaning products that I can easily and quickly make at home myself. Here’s a list to get you started! These are most of the ingredients that I use on a regular basis. You can find these items at your local grocery store, hardware store or online. Check out Voyageur Soap and Candle they have lots of these ingredients available as well as…

  • Cleaning Products

    All things Thieves

    Here are some of the reasons that we love the Thieves product line from Young Living! This is my favorite Thieves product! From the first time that I purchased it over five years ago it is the only household cleaner that I have used. I love that it is plant based, safe to use around pets and children. It’s ultra concentrated and diluted can clean virtually every surface of your home, bathrooms, kitchens, counters, floors, toys, mirrors, glass, walls and so much more! It’s created with naturally occurring surfactants derived from coconut and sugars, so you get a powerful clean…

  • Skincare

    Creating your own diy beauty products is easy!

    Let me get you started! You will need to have a few basic ingredients that can be used in many different recipes to create your own diy skin care and beauty products. It can seem overwhelming at first, but I’m here to take you step by step through the process! I’ve been making my own soap and skin care products for several years. I’ve made mistakes and learned where to find the best resources and ingredients.Start small and figure out if you really enjoy creating your own products or not. Don’t be tempted to buy more ingredients to “save” money…

  • Cleaning Products

    How to make your own dishwasher rinse aid at home!

    Making your own dishwasher rinse aid at home is really simple. You only need a few ingredients to make this diy rinse aid over and over again. I have been using it for several years, and it has shown to be really effective, especially since I moved out to the country with well water and a water softener. I also use a natural dishwasher detergent, that I buy at my local grocery store, but since moving to the country I’m tempted to try some diy dishwasher detergent too! I’ll keep you posted! This recipe does contain affiliate links for certain…

  • Cleaning Products

    Dusting Spray

    Years ago I used to use the traditional “dusting” spray found at your local supermarket. It’s been years since I bought any furniture polish or “dusting” spray. I finally thought that I would give a diy one that I found a try and honestly, I was pleasantly surprised! So quick and easy to make and so inexpensive as well! Here is the recipe that I am currently loving! 1 cup of filtered water 1/4 cup of white vinegar 2 tablespoons of olive oil or avocado oil 5-10 drops of Lemon Essential oil 5-10 drops of Pine Essential oil Pour all…

  • Skincare

    10 Harmful & Common Ingredients in Skincare and Makeup Products

    It’s important to read labels, ingredients and to do your research if you really want to carefully choose products that you use on your skin and the effect that they have on your body long term. In Canada all labels are written in INCI (International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient) which are systematic names internationally recognized to identify cosmetic ingredients. So just because you don’t necessarily understand or are able to read an ingredient, this is why you need the INCI decoder. Here is the INCI decoder that I use to find out exactly what is in a product. You only need…