Essential Oils

Let’s Learn about Lavender Essential Oil

This is a staple in our home that we use every day!

We have had the privilege to visit the lavender farm in Mona, Utah during the lavender harvest and witness the way that the lavender is harvested and turned into essential oil. It was an unforgettable experience to witness the seed to seal process. From the lavender seedlings planted in the green house, to planted in the fields to harvesting and steam distilling the plant to create lavender oil.

We personally use Young Living’s Lavender oil as we have seen the process and have also experienced the difference compared to other companies oils, but feel free to try what you find is best! It did take me awhile to like the scent, but now I appreciate it and use it often!

Young Living has three farms that grow lavender, located in Utah, Idaho, and France. Lavender is steam distilled from the flowering tops of the plant, and it takes 27 square feet of lavender plants to make one 15-ml bottle of Lavender essential oil.

You can use lavender oil in so many different ways.

Often referred to the “Swiss Army Knife” essential oil because it does so much!
Natural headache remedy.
Calming, can help when diffused with Cedarwood for sleep.
Helps support healthy skin and hair-I often add it to my diy skincare recipes.
Reduce symptoms of cough and cold.

What are your favorite ways to use Lavender? Or maybe you dislike the smell of it?

Interested in reading more about Lavender and essential oil testing? Check out these two articles!